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Glampbnb is a rental management system tailored for vacation properties. This project was conceived with the objective of streamlining the process of managing rentals, providing both property owners and customers with an efficient and user-friendly platform.

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Technical Details

Glampbnb is structured around the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern, ensuring a clear separation of concerns. The application leverages Node.js and Express.js for backend operations, while EJS serves as the templating engine for dynamic content rendering.

Tech Stack

The application's technology stack is comprehensive and modern, comprising:

  • Node.js and Express.js for backend logic and server management
  • EJS for dynamic frontend rendering
  • MongoDB as the database for robust data management
  • Mongoose for database schema definition and data validation
  • AWS S3 for efficient file storage and retrieval
  • Multer for handling file uploads
  • Bcrypt for secure password hashing
  • Mailgun for email services (disabled in the final version for cost-efficiency)


Glampbnb offers a plethora of features, including:

  • User authentication and role-based access control
  • Dynamic listing, editing, and removal of rental properties
  • Image uploads handled via AWS S3 for scalability
  • Shopping cart functionality with session management
  • Responsive web design for optimal user experience across devices