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Botty - A Twitter Bot Retro


As someone who's always been interested in exploring the world of Twitter bots, I was excited to create my very own bot that could share random facts with my followers. Thus, Botty was born - a bot that utilized the Twitter API v2 to send out hourly Tweets featuring fascinating and informative trivia.

Technical Details

Building Botty was no small feat, but with a combination of Python, the manage Tweets endpoint in the Twitter API v2, and the Pythonanywhere deployment platform, I was able to create a fully functioning bot that would query the api-ninjas API to retrieve new facts every hour.

How It Worked

Botty was designed to be simple yet effective. The bot would query the api-ninjas API once an hour to retrieve a new random fact, and then use the Twitter API to Tweet out the fact to my followers. It was a fun and engaging way to share interesting trivia with the Twitterverse, and I was excited to see where it would take me.

Update: Changes to the Twitter API

However, as many of you are likely aware, the Twitter API has undergone some significant changes in recent months. Unfortunately, these changes have rendered Botty non-functional, as the manage Tweets endpoint that the bot relied upon has been deprecated. As such, Botty is no longer operational.

It's always disappointing when a project you've worked hard on comes to an end, but I'm proud of what Botty was able to accomplish during its brief lifespan. While the bot is no longer operational, I'm grateful for the experience and knowledge I gained during its development. And who knows? Maybe I'll be inspired to create a new and improved Twitter bot in the future. Until then, farewell Botty - you were one heck of a bot.