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As a full-stack project, BrainFlix allowed me to flex my development skills across a wide range of technologies, including React, React-Router, Node, Express, and APIs. In this blog post, I'll take you behind the scenes of the development process, sharing some of the technical details and features that make BrainFlix stand out.


To create BrainFlix, I utilized a range of technologies and tools across both the client and server sides of the application. On the client side, I leveraged the power of React and React-Router to build out the user interface and ensure seamless navigation throughout the site.

On the server side, I used Node and Express to build a RESTful API that communicated with the client-side application. This allowed me to fetch video data from a local JSON file and pass it to the client for display.


Some of the standout features of BrainFlix include:

  • A fully responsive design that adapts to a variety of screen sizes
  • A dynamic video list that displays the most recent videos first
  • A video upload form that allows users to upload new videos to the site

End Notes

I'm extremely proud of what I was able to accomplish with BrainFlix. It was a challenging yet rewarding project that allowed me to flex my front-end development skills while also delving into the world of back-end development.