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The Scribe App

Scribe is a fast and accurate speech-to-text converter that I developed using React and Node.js. The app leverages machine learning API to convert user inputted audio into text, making it easier to transcribe speech and make notes.


The front-end was built using React and Bootstrap for fast and responsive UI development. For the back-end, I used Node.js and ExpressJS to handle server-side operations, and AWS S3 for secure audio file storage. The app also utilizes the powerful AssemblyAI API for high-quality speech-to-text conversion, and Auth0 for secure user authentication.

  • React for the front-end interface
  • Bootstrap for responsive UI development
  • Node.js and ExpressJS for the back-end API
  • AWS S3 for secure audio file storage
  • AssemblyAI for speech-to-text conversion
  • Auth0 for secure user authentication
  • Heroku for app deployment