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InStock is an inventory management system, designed to replicate an actual chain of warehouses. Our team's goal was to create a powerful and intuitive system that would allow clients to easily manage their inventory across multiple locations.

Technical Details

InStock was built with the MVC pattern in mind, using ReactJS on the front-end and ExpressJS and Node.js on the back-end. The source of data is a MySQL database, which we accessed using the knex.js library. Our system includes full CRUD functionality, allowing our client to create, read, update, and delete inventory items with ease.

Tech Stack

InStock utilizes a range of technologies to deliver a seamless user experience, including:

  • ReactJS for the front-end interface
  • SASS for custom styling and design
  • ExpressJS and Node.js for the back-end API
  • MySQL as the database
  • Knex.js for interacting with the database


InStock features a number of powerful features, including:

  • Full CRUD functionality
  • A responsive and intuitive user interface
  • A dynamic dashboard that displays the total number of items in each warehouse


InStock was a challenging yet rewarding project that allowed us to flex our full-stack development skills and create a powerful inventory management system for our client. If you're interested in checking out the code for yourself, be sure to take a look at the Client Repository and Server Repository on GitHub. And if you want to see the app in action, head on over to the Deployed App.